Intercessions of Mercy, is a prayer book based on the Morning and Evening Prayer of the Sisters of Mercy, is designed to encourage and assist Christians in developing a compassionate perspective on life.

Edited by  Joy Clough rsm (Americas), Intercessions of Mercy expands its source with original openings, intercessions, prayers, and blessings that offer a relevant and inspirational resource for personal and group prayer. It provides sets of intercessions for the seasons of the liturgical year, for feasts of Jesus and Mary, for a variety of themes, and for some specific groups – consistently linking prayer to God with service to others.

A flexible and rich resource that can be used occasionally or on a daily basis, Intercessions of Mercy reflects and extends Mercy spirituality to all Christian believers.

Writes Sr Joy:

'Prayer is one of the most time-honored traditions of the Catholic faith. Every day, men and women find comfort, joy and greater compassion as they seek to know and receive the mercy of God. Sr. Joy Clough invites readers to explore the many facets of God's love in the beautifully crafted prayer book, Intercessions of Mercy. This inspirational prayer volume offers a practical approach to petitioning God's help and provision on behalf of family members, friends, colleagues, community and business leaders, and the less fortunate around the world.

Designed for individuals and group settings, Intercessions of Mercy journeys through the liturgical cycle of seasons and feasts, providing thought-provoking and inspired invocations for each day. Each intercession is organized with an Opening, Intercession, Prayer and Closing to guide users in their prayers for the safety and well-being of others.

Readers will find a myriad of topics and focus areas, ranging from age-old concerns for the protection of children and the disenfranchised to more contemporary issues, such as unemployment and fair business practices. Intercessions of Mercy addresses each need through the lens of God's unending faithfulness, with the hope that those who pray the intercessions will act with compassion to create more caring homes, workplaces, churches and communities.

Intercessions of Mercy is perfect for individuals hoping to enrich their personal prayer lives. Church or social groups that join in faith for the betterment of their homes and communities will also be inspired by this collection of prayers that praise, thank and plead with God on behalf of our world.'

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Price: USD 19.95

Joy Clough rsm