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Submit a Bibliographical Item

Submit a book or article written by or about the Sister of Mercy

The following is an attempt to list all the published books, articles and multimedia productions by or about the Sisters of Mercy since the founding of the Congregation in 1831.


Mercy International Reflection Process Guide Book

Adele Howard, RSM, Editor Email View Series

Melbourne, Australia: Sisters of Mercy, 2018

General Interest

Songs from My Soul: Wisdom & Spirituality in the Great Sandy Desert

Marie Leonie Williams rsm View Series

Bayswater, Victoria, Coventry Press, 17 February 2020.
ISBN: 9780648725114
92 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Sisters of Mercy—North America: Individual Sisters

Amazing Grace: The Inspiring Story of Sister Grace Miller and The House of Mercy

Hank Shaw View Series

Sisters of Mercy—Australia: Foundations

The Correspondence of Mother Vincent Whitty 1839-1892

Anne Hetherington, RSM and Pauline Smoothy, RSM Eds View Series

Brisbane, Australia: University of Queensland Press, 2011

Health Care and Care of the Sick

Be Perfect'-Quality Improvement in Palliative Care

Doris Gottemoeller, RSM View Series

Supportive Voice 14.1 (2009):6-8.

Religious Life

Religious Habits Reconsidered

Doris Gottemoeller, RSM View Series

Review for Religious 68.2 (2009):181-191

Religious Life

A Visitor's Guide: How the Vatican investigation could prove beneficial

Doris Gottemoeller, RSM View Series

America, November 23, 2009

General Interest

Lessons from the New Ecclesial Movements

Doris Gottemoeller, RSM View Series

in Fire Case on the Earth--Kindling; Being Mercy in the Twenty-First Century. United States:, 2009

Religious Life

Company's Coming: Awaiting the Apostolic Visitation

Doris Gottemoeller, RSM View Series

Health Care and Care of the Sick

Trauma Network Comes to Kentucky: CHP Leader a Driving Force

Author: Doris Gottemoeller, RSM View Series

Health Progress 91.5 (2010):70-71.

Religious Life

Strengthening the Witness of Consecrated Life

Doris Gottemoeller, RSM View Series

Origins (Oct. 14, 2010), 297-299. Reprinted in Horizon, Summer 2011, 11-13.

Religious Life

Hope in an Anxious Age

Doris Gottemoeller, RSM View Series

Horizon, Spring 2011, 27-29.