About Voices

Stage Three of the Mercy International Reflection Process (MIRP) asks us to explore the focus issues raised in our groups in response to the theme: 'The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor', in light of biblical, theological, spiritual, ecclesial and mercy tradition - an opportunity to engage with our tradition anew 

To assist us in this exploration and engagement, a number of scholars and other experts were invited to share their knowledge and insights with us through video interviews. Those interviewed included biblical scholars, theologians and Mercy scholars, among whom were representatives of the MIA Board, the MIRP advisory and cross cultural committees, the MIRP coordinating group as well as experts outside the Mercy family.

VOICES is a set of resources created for Stage Three of the Mercy International Reflection Process (MIRP).

VOICES is made up of video interviews with 14 scholars and other experts from USA, Ireland and Australia, who generously gave of their time in April /May 2016 to contribute their insights and experiences to this process.

Drawing on the Tradition in Scripture, Theology, Spirituality, Ethics and the writings of Catherine McAuley, these interviews offer an inspiring range of insights to assist all who seek a better understanding of the action of God in our world today, particularly in the light of the challenge to respond to ‘The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor’.

Each interview is accompanied by a short (1-3 minute) introduction to the Speaker to help viewers in their choice of interviews to watch.

The video interviews are in reference to several key questions which each of the Speakers was asked to address. These questions covered the Speaker’s response to the theme of the process ‘The Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor’; biblical and/or theological texts or traditions s/he draws on; reflections on one or two of the named areas of concern the Speaker has considered in her/his writings or teaching and her/his reflections on or hopes for the Mercy International Reflection Process.

Responses to these questions by each Speaker can be found on the Speaker’s personal page in their interview and can also be accessed via the links on the page.

Responses to the broad questions by all Speakers have been collated here

Most of the Speakers offered additional insights from their experience and particular fields of expertise. These can be found on each Speaker’s personal page in their interview and are gathered here

While produced as a resource for Stage Three of the Mercy International Reflection Process, these interviews will be of interest to all who are concerned about the challenges we face in caring for our common home.

We welcome your interest and your feedback in response to these video interviews

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