Stations of Mercy - 2016
On 3 April 2016 a small but representative group of Mercy pilgrims— both Sisters and partners-in-Mercy— were present in Rome for Divine Mercy Sunday, one of the events in the Vatican's Jubilee Year of Mercy Calendar.
In preparation for that pilgrimage, all MIA Member Congregations and Institutes hprepared reflective and inspirational powerpoints on the Face of Mercy in their own congregations today, using as their inspiration the 14 Stations of the Cross and 10 of the Corporal and Spiritual Works.
Together these 24 powerpoints formed the Stations of Mercy.
First Station
3rd March 2016
Primera Estación: Jesús es condenado a muerte Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation
Second Station
4th March 2016
Segunda Estación: Jesús carga la cruz Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia & PNG
Third Station
5th March 2016
Jesús cae por primera vez Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (Ireland)
Fourth Station
6th March 2016
Cuarta Estación: Jesús se encuentra con su madre Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Fifth Station
7th March 2016
Quinta Estación: Simón de Cirene ayuda a Jesús Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Sixth Station
8th March 2016
Sexta Estación: Verónica limpia el sudor del rostro de Jesús The Union of the Sisters of Mercy
Seventh Station
8th March 2016
Quinta Estación: Simón de Cirene ayuda a Jesús Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
Eighth Station
10th March 2016
Octava Estación: Jesús consuela a las mujeres de Jerusalén Sisters of Mercy Philippines
Ninth Station
11th March 2016
Novena Estación: Jesús cae por tercera vez Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (Ireland)
Tenth Station
12th March 2016
Décima Estación: Jesús es despojado de sus vestiduras Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy (Ireland)
Eleventh Station
13th March 2016
Undécima Estación: Jesús es crucificado Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea
Twelfth Station
14th March 2016
Duodécima Estación: Jesús muere en la cruz Sisters of Mercy Aotearoa New Zealand
Thirteenth Station
15th March 2016
Décimo Tercera Estación: Jesús es bajado de la cruz Sisters of Mercy Parramattta Congregation
Fourteenth Station
18th March 2016
Décimo Cuarta Estación: Jesús es llevado al sepulcro Sisters of Mercy (Philippines)