Grassroots Ministry: Mercying
Congregation of Sisters of Mercy Newfoundland

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Script of the video

Somos mujeres que ven en nuestros hermanos y hermanas necesitados el rostro de Jesús sufriente y crucificado y queremos transformarlos en rostros del Jesús resucitado.
We are women who see in our brothers and sisters most vulnerable/ the face of the crucified Christ /and we want to transform this into the face of the resurrected Christ.

Somos mujeres de amor y compasion con manos que tocan a los mas pobres y vulnerables para sanar sus sufrimientos y dolores.
We are women of love and compassion with hands that reach out to the very poor and vulnerable to heal their suffering and pain

We embrace the culture of compassion: abrazamos una cultura de compasion

We embrace the culture of Mercy:  abrazamos las obras de la misericordia

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Top row, L-r: Lily Butters Ferrero rsm, Marion Collins rsm, Verna Aucoin rsm,
Rosa Silva Cumpa rsm
Bottom row, L-r: Mildred Brennan rsm, Alice Mackey rsm, Rosali Vargas Mendoza rsm, Alita Sanchez Sanchez rsm

We are women of the resurrection...
where there are difficulties, we see opportunities...
where there are obstacles, we see challenges...
where there are impossible situations, we see possibilities!

We are women of hope, life, and compassion! We are women of mercy!

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