Good Reading: Mercying
Guiding Group

Many of the resources gathered for Segment Three, 'Mercy' could be consulted as good reading for this theme. In particular, we recommend the resources in theme one, 'Faith Traditions and Mercy'

In this issue of Good Reading we provide four reflective pieces on Pope Francis' understanding and teaching of 'Mercy-ing'

Kerry Weber, 'Working at Mercy: Pope Francis calls us to love one another more fully'

First published 4 October 2013

'Mercy, in Francis’ church, calls us, allows us, requires us, to become better. And it is a call to all people of good will. But how should we begin? How do we accompany others in mercy, a quality difficult to define and even more difficult to live authentically?

The answer, perhaps, can be found in a wonderfully invented word from Pope Francis: mercy-ing. In turning the noun into a verb, a sentiment into an action, Francis calls us not only to have mercy or to show mercy, but to embody mercy. The word emphasizes the active element of mercy, as a force that binds us, compels us, and enables us to love one another more fully...'

Read the article

Linda Bordoni, 'Pope Francis: "Mercy is the true face of love"'

'Commenting...on the parable of the Good Samaritan, the Pope pointed out that it is not us, on the basis of our criteria, who can define who is neighbour and who is not, but it is the person in need who must be able to recognize who his neighbour is, that is, " The one who treated him with mercy”...

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Francesca Merlo, 'Pope at Audience: Make mercy the air you breathe'

First published 18 March 2020

“Where does our mercy come from?” asked the Pope. Mercy is not one of many realities, “There is no Christianity without mercy.  If all our Christianity does not lead us to mercy, we are on the wrong path, because mercy is the only true goal of every spiritual journey. It is one of the most beautiful fruits of charity.”

Finally, Pope Francis reminded the faithful following his catechesis that “God's mercy is our liberation and our happiness”, emphasising, “it is the air that we must breathe”...

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Pope Francis, 'Merciful because they have received mercy'

First published 16 April 2021

'Dear sister, dear brother, do you want proof that God has touched your life? See if you can stoop to bind the wounds of others. Today is the day to ask, “Am I, who so often have received God’s peace, his mercy, merciful to others? Do I, who have so often been fed by the Body of Jesus, make any effort to relieve the hunger of the poor?” Let us not remain indifferent. Let us not live a one-way faith, a faith that receives but does not give, a faith that accepts the gift but does not give it in return. Having received mercy, let us now become merciful. For if love is only about us, faith becomes arid, barren and sentimental. Without others, faith becomes disembodied. Without works of mercy, it dies (cf. Jas 2:17). Dear brothers and sisters, let us be renewed by the peace, forgiveness and wounds of the merciful Jesus. Let us ask for the grace to become witnesses of mercy. Only in this way will our faith be alive and our lives unified. Only in this way will we proclaim the Gospel of God, which is the Gospel of mercy....'

Read the homily

We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.

Messages to: MGP Guiding Group

Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.

Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP