Good Reading: Creating Circles and Culture of Mercy
Guiding Group
Many of the resources gathered for Segment Three, 'Mercy' could be consulted as good reading for this theme, as could those for theme three of this Segment, 'Mercying'.
Circles of Mercy is the third in the series of Theological Imaginings presentations for Mercy Global Presence by Professors at the University of Durham. Dr Anna Rowlands is St Hilda Associate Professor in Catholic Social Thought and Practice at the University of Durham, England.
Ecological Mercy was presented by Dr Carmody Grey, Assistant Professor of Catholic Theology, for Segment Two, Theme Two, 'Degradation of Earth'.
Culture of Mercy was produced by Dr Victoria Biggs, La Retraite Fellow in Lived Theology, Trauma, and Reconciliation, for Segment Four, Theme Four, 'Creating Circles & Culture of Mercy'
For a culture of encounter
Pope Francis
13 September 2016
What Pope Francis Means By a Culture of Encounter Thomas J Eggleston
Published 1 July 2015
Encuentro: A Call for Our Time
Religious Formation Conference Address,
November 2017
Teresa Maya ccvi
Chapter 2017 Recommitment: Called to New Consciousness
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
PeerSpirit Inc: The Lifework of Christina Baldwin and Ann Linnea
Healing Circles: Commonweal
We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.
Messages to: MGP Guiding Group
Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.
Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP