Good Reading: Compassionate Heart
Guiding Group
Cultivating Compassion: Developing a Habit of Mercy and recognizing its Interruptions by Janet Ruffing rsm
Published in Human Development Magazine, Vol 36, Fall 2015
The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) at Stanford University has produced a number of videos - feature videos, conference videos, TedX talks, Speaker series. Access these here
Power of Compassion An introduction to the work of the Center by Director James Doty is included below (4:55)
Compassion by Joan Chittister osb (1:0)
Cultivating Compassion: How to love yourself and others
By Thich Nhat Hanh
Published in Tricycle, Spring 2015
How to Be More Compassionate: A Mindful Guide to Compassion
Cultivating compassion at work
University of Minnesota Extension, 2018
'Four steps for generating compassion that you can apply in your work, leadership efforts and community life.'
The secret to having compassion : Brené Brown (1:43)
Revolution of Compassion.
A video for the celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of the Charter for Compassion
Posted online November 12, 2019 (4:37)
We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.
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Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.
Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP