Good Reading: Presence to Earth
Guiding Group

Resources listed in the Good Reading Guides from the Segment Two theme, 'Mercy and Degradation of Earth' and from the Segment One theme, 'Earth and Integral Ecology' provide additional titles that can be consulted for this theme.

Blessings by Andrew Hinton, Owen Ó Súilleabháin & David Whyte

David Whyte’s “Blessing” poems are interpreted through a visual journey across the Irish landscape in this short film by Emmy-winning filmmaker Andrew Hinton.

Watch the video (04:08) and read the reflection on the music that inspired the creation of this short film.

The poet Mary Oliver has been called the 'indefatigable guide to the natural world' (Maxine Kumin). Michael Gross in his Grassroots Ministry response, quotes from three pieces by Mary Oliver: 'Do Stones Feel?', 'Almost a Conversation' and from 'Long Life Essays and Other Writings'.

A biography of Mary Oliver and 30 of her poems can be found on her microsite created by the Poetry Foundation.  A further collection can be found here. See, for example, her 'Sleeping in the Forest'.

An interview with Mary Oliver 'Listening to the World' can be read downloaded, or listened to here.

This was one of the last interviews John O’Donohue - poet, theologian, and philosopher - gave before his unexpected death in 2008.

Visit the On Being website to read the transcript, download the episode, or listen to the unedited interview.

If the Moon Came Out Only Once a Month: Reflection from LCWR

Published 6 July 2020

If the Moon Came Out Only Once a Month
'If the moon came out only once a month
people would appreciate it more. They’d mark it
in their datebooks, take a walk by moonlight, notice
how their bedroom window framed its silver smile...'

From the poem by Cathy Ross

Download the reflection here

There We are in the World Together: Reflection from LCWR

First published 8 June 2020

We Are of a Tribe
'We plant seeds in the ground
And dreams in the sky,
Hoping that, someday, the roots of one
Will meet the upstretched limbs of the other.
It has not happened yet.
We share the sky, all of us, the whole world...

From the poem by Alberto Rios

Download the Reflection here

‘This Earth the Beloved Left and, Leaving, Left to Us’: Reflection from LCWR

Published 18 May 2020

'This is what was bequeathed us:
This earth the beloved left
And, leaving,
Left to us...'

From the poem by Gregory Orr
How Beautiful the Beloved

Download the reflection here

Earth Meditation - Pray-as-You Go

‘Using Ignatian Spirituality practices, you will be guided through a time of reflection on two contrasting landscapes.

You are encouraged to engage your imagination and senses along the way, to find the movements of God during this session.

The session will last about 25 minutes.’

Mystery at Play in Creation - Pray as You Go

Walking with God - Pray-as-You-Go

'This was written by Iona Reid Dalglish in the hope that you will spend some time meeting with God as you get your daily exercise. For this resource we have a male and female voice option. '

We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.

Messages to: MGP Guiding Group

Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.

Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP