Good Reading: Presence in Ministry & Community
Guiding Group

Community Works Inc.
Transformative Communities: God's Co-creative Pioneers:
Mark Clarke

First published October 2020

'Our task is enormous…To look at all that has gone before us, and to recognize that each one of us, however small, has a unique task in co-creation a unique contribution to make in the world and to humanity' (Bass 267)

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A Matter of Spirit: Intercommunity Peace & Justice Centre. No 128/Fall 2020

Published 27 October 2020

'On the surface, it seems like everything has darkened. However, perhaps this time is not a time
of darkness, but rather of awakening.'
- Reflection

Theme: COVID-19

See, for example: 'Before We Rush to Save the World, Don't step Over the People in Our Backyard' by Travis Russell sj and 'Re-imagined Church, life-giving and loving' by Tricia Wittman-Todd

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Serving Communities with Courage and Compassion: Catholic Social Services Victoria, Australia

Six of the presentations presented at the national Catholic social services conference held in Melbourne earlier this year can be viewed online here

A newly published book draws together an edited collection of the keynotes, workshops and panel discussions. Details here

Welcoming Diversity: Creating Community for All: Teresa Maya ccvi

Presentations given at the Catholic social services Hearing Healing Hope national conference in 2018

The Reign of God as Community: Richard Rohr ofm

Firts published 19 November 2020

Read the article here

Ministering is at the Heart of Christianity: Mary Thorne

First published in Tui Motu, April 2019

Read the article here

Ministeries in the Community: Thomas O'Loughlin

First published in Tui Motu, August 2019

Read the article here

Intercultural Life as a Sign of Prophetic Hope: Sr Adriana Carla Milmanda

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We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.

Messages to: MGP Guiding Group

Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.

Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP