Good Reading: New Foundations in Mercy
Guiding Group
In the The Pandemic

Apausalypse: Dispatch from Iceland: Andri Snær Magnason and Anní Ólafsdóttir

'Art always finds a way, even when everything has been put on pause. In this multimedia piece, journey with dancers, musicians, and philosophers across Iceland during the lockdown and explore the question: What is the meaning of the great stop, the apausalypse?'

Published in Emergence Magazine, May 2020

Watch the multimedia presentation here

54 Ways Coronavirus Has Changed Our World: Larry Buchanan

'The coronavirus pandemic has altered the world immeasurably, yet the statistically minded among us persist in trying to measure it. Here are some aspects of our lives that have trended up or down — or both — with the backstory linked to each of them.'

Explore the interactive list here

Faith and Spirituality in a Time of Crisis: St Joseph's Maine

Conversations with faith leaders, theologians, philosophers, and more about maintaining the spiritual life during a time of self-isolating and social distancing. 

Access the video topics here
Post Pandemic: Opportunity

Let Europe Recover Through Justice: COMECE (the Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Union)

'While the discussion should be directed to the common good and guided by a spirit of solidarity, the EU should aim for an agreement that helps Europe to recover through ecological, social and contributive justice'.

Position Paper, 27 May 2020

Read the position paper here

COVID-19 and Human Rights: We are all in this together: United Nations

Published April 2020

Read this policy brief on human rights here

Search for the Holy Spirit in the Midst of Chaos: Brian Smith

'During the past few months we have heard the word "unprecedented" used to describe the coronavirus pandemic. Others have referred to this time as "disruptive" and "chaotic" as the health care world we have known has been turned upside down. No one believes that we will ever go back to the way things were. Everyone seems to be asking, "What will our new reality be?"'

Published in Health Progress, March-June 2020. Vol. 101, No.2

Read the article here

Instead of a 'return to normal,' let's pursue a profound transformation: Elise D. Garcia

'The coronavirus pandemic has revealed fundamental fault lines in our social, economic and spiritual foundations — deadly preexisting conditions and comorbidities. Graffiti on a wall in China says it all: "We can't return to normal, because the normal that we had was precisely the problem."'

Published in National Catholic Reporter, 27 May 2020

Read the article here

Our post-pandemic selves: why the virus is an opportunity to grow and develop: Adrienne Matei

'How times of struggle can pave the way for new ways of life – and for the lucky ones among us, the quest for small joys.'

Published in The Guardian, 3 April 2020

Read the article here

Let's Take Care of One Another Just as Our Saving God Cares for Us: Letter from the UISG and USG Presidents

Published 29 June 2020

Read the letter here

The Future of Civil Society Organisations:

ICVA (A Global NGO Network for Principled and Effective Humanitarian Action)

'The Future is unwritten. Yet, the current challenges and opportunities brought by the COVID-19 pandemic call for a conversation over the transformations we want to see in society, and in the humanitarian, social justice and environmental sector.'

Published May 2020

Read the document here

Launch of Report on SocioeEconomic Impacts of COVID-19

Secretary-General António Guterres: "The recovery from the COVID-19 crisis must lead to a different economy"

Read the report here

Life After the Pandemic: Pope Francis

Preface by Card. Michael Czerny sj

Download the document here
Press Releases

Listen, learn and act: Together eliminating systemic racism – A message against racism from the Canadian Religious Conference

Download the Statement here

A series of online webinars are being hosted by Global Justice Now in response to the global Covid-19 pandemic.


Can we ensure the climate has a future after the corona-crisis?

US political crisis and the need for internationalism

How corporate trade deals make the world more vulnerable to Covid-19

Fighting For Global Access To Covid-19 Vaccines And Treatment

Women on the front line of the crisis

Business as usual isn’t good enough

Coronavirus, capitalism and global inequality

Listen here

‘See, I am makingall things new’our Christian response to the COVID-19 crisis: Archdiocese of Liverpool Justice & Peace Commission

Cardinal Michael Fitzgerald MAfr, Diarmuid O’Murchu MSC, Christine Allen, Director of CAFOD

Free Zoom event.

Download the flyer Book online here
COVID-19 and Biblical Tradition
Read the article here (pp285-291)

COVID-19 in Dialogue with our Biblical Tradition: Elizabeth Dowling rsm

Published June 2020

Download the article (A4) Download the article (USLetter)
Descargar el artículo completo (Tamaño de papel A4) Descargar el artículo completo (Tamaño carta, EE. UU)

You Have to Experience Saturday Night to Appreciate Sunday Morning: Pat Kenny rsm

Published on, 7 June 2020

Read the article

Tienes qu experimentar el sábado  por la noche para apreciar el domingo por la mañana

Lea el artículo
COVID Outcomes for the Church

10 COVID-19 "Outcomes" for the Church: Brendan Leahy

'TS Eliot’s line about having the experience but missing the meaning is a spur to us to not let the Covid-19 experience pass us by in vain. What is it saying to us? In what direction is it pointing us? Can we name what we’ll take away with us from this time?'

Published in The Furrow, May 2020


Post Pandemic Church: paralysed or energised? Recovered or re-imagined?

Saturday 18 July. Free event on Zoom from the National Justice & Peace Network (UK)

Book via Eventbrite
Religious Life Post-Pandemic
Articles & UISG Archived Webinars

US sisters meet about how to re-imagine future, especially now with COVID-19: Soli Salgado

Published in Global Sisters Report, 22 May 2020

Read the article here
A Call to Spiritual Bonding: LCWR Responds to the Global Health Crisis
Video: Conversation with the Presidency of LCWR Vídeo: La vida religiosa en los Estados Unidos Document: The Emerging Orientations of LCWR
Video: Religious Life in Europe: Meeting with UCESM Vídeo: La Vida Religiosa en europa: encuentro con UCESM
Video: Re-imagining The Future: Religious Life in Latin America and Caribbean

We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.

Messages to: MGP Guiding Group

Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.

Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP