Good Reading: Faith Traditions & Mercy
Guiding Group
From smiling at strangers to feeding those in need: What different faiths say about kindness by Siobhan Hegarty
First published in ABC Life
Kindness- a Word of Mercy by Mary Wickham rsm
First published on on 24 September 2018
Called to Compassion: Breege O'Neill rsm
First published on on 15 February 2015 for the Year of Consecrated Life
Read the article and engage with the reflection questions and resources here
Church Document
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, Celebrating Mercy with Believers of Other Religions (Città del Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2016).
'Steadfast Love': Miriam K. Martin pbvm
Based on Psalm 136. From the album 'A New Dreaming'. Used with Sr Miriam's permission.
Further information about the album and how to order it can be found here
'Pour Out Compassion and Mercy': Briege O'Hare osc.
Performed by Marie Cox rsm, Frances Kennedy rsm, Patricia O'Donovan rsm.
From the album 'May Hope Be Yours'. Used with permission
Further information about the album, a fundraiser for St Vincent de Paul, and how to order it can be found here
Quotes & Reflections on Compassion
Wisdom Circle Newfoundland collection
My Wish: The Charter for Compassion
My Wish: The Charter for Compassion. TED Talk by Karen Armstrong 2019
Transcript: available in English and Spanish
Karen Armstrong has given other TED Talks on this topic including 'Passion for Compassion' (2018)and 'Let's Revive the Golden Rule' (2009)
Doing Mercy
Doing Mercy: Elizabeth Davis rsm
First published on Redemptorist Tv on 16 November 2015
Truth and Charity - Mercy in the Gospel
'Mercy, the Enduring and Liberating Love of Our Womb Compassionate God'
Talk given by Veronical Lawson rsm in Brisbane, Australia in April 2015
Spanish translation using DeepL Translator. Traducción al español con DeepL Translator
Mercy. Mission. Religious Life
A series of presentations by Steve Bevans svd and Barbara Reid op, produced for the Year of Mercy 2016.
Access the videos here. Video 1. gives an overview of the series.
Website: Charter for Compassion
Visit the Charter for Compassion website and read the Charter, available in multiple languages.
In English here
In Spanish here
Poem 'Kindness' by Naomi Shihab Nye
We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.
Messages to: MGP Guiding Group
Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.
Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP