Good Reading: Mercy and the Displacement of Persons
Guiding Group

Further information about the album and how to purchase it can be found here

Further information about the album and how to purchase it can be found here

Further information about the album and how to purchase it can be found here


Rohingya Refugees: Preparing for Coronavirus at World's Largest Refugee Site

'The Boatman' - poem of witness by Carolyn Forche'

Recited in English by Elizabeth Moe and in Spanish by Luis Muñoz
(translated by Andrea Rivas and Anthony Geist).

UNHCR's Global Trends in Forced Displacement - 2018 Figures (Most recent)

Worlds of Homelessness

People with Alzheimer's Tell Us Memories They Never Want to Forget

TED Talks

The story we tell about poverty isn't true (TED Talk)

As a global community, we all want to end poverty. Mia Birdsong suggests a great place to start: Let's honor the skills, drive and initiative that poor people bring to the struggle every day. She asks us to look again at people in poverty: They may be broke — but they're not broken.

Watch the TED Talk here

What if a single human right could change the world?

More than a billion people worldwide, mostly children, do not have a legal identity. In many countries, this means they can't get access to vital services like health care and education, says legal identity expert Kristen Wenz. She discusses why this problem is one of the greatest human rights violations of our time -- and shares five strategies to ensure everyone can get registered and protected.

Watch the TED Talk here
'This is "Good Friday 2020" by Ukrainian Jesuit, Vyacheslav Okun, who is a professor of philosophy at the Jesuit Ignatian University in Krakow and also at the Vatican. This striking new art work is based on Caravaggio's “The Entombment of Christ”, and is described by artist Diana Muñiz in the following way: “In this Pietà, Mary's suffering over the destroyed body of Christ after he is taken off the cross is reimagined and substituted as the suffering and grief of healthcare workers in the midst of the current global coronavirus pandemic.”'
—Jesuits in Britain
Painting by Arjun Das (India)
'This painting depicts the tireless efforts of agencies feeding the needy .'
Our Lady of Mercy in Pandemic Times.
Artist unknown

We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.

Messages to: MGP Guiding Group

Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.

Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP