Facilitators Guide: New Foundations in Mercy
Guiding Group

The Facilitators Guide offers three of many possible approaches to using these resources and may be of interest to individuals as well as groups.

The role of the Facilitator will necessarily include organising the group’s access at the session to the resources on screen or in print.

A suggested structure for each Session is:

  1. Preparation of the Focus Space
  2. Prayer
  3. Introduction
  4. Content Explored
  5. Reflection and Discussion
  6. Closing

As this is the final theme of the second Segment, most groups will have already met for one or more sessions and so will be familiar with the process and the microsite.  

Whichever presentation you, the Facilitator, or group first choose to engage with, commence your work using the introduction by Elizabeth Davis rsm. In it, 'to give us energy and to serve as a catalyst to our moving forward', Sr Elizabeth reviews the key voices from last month's theme.

Then Elizabeth invites us to respond 'with new foundations in this troubling and tumultuous time' to the challenges of our contemporary world: 'Four negative forces are visibly intersecting in our world today: an intensifying climate emergency; a resulting global COVID-19 pandemic; a resulting visibility of inequalities relating to systemic racism, sexism, ageism and homelessness; and a resulting increase globally in poverty and hunger.' She addresses the Energy needed to respond, Readiness to respond and Confidence to respond.

Once again, we offer three of many possible approaches to using resources from the theme New Foundations in Mercy, implementing the suggested structure (nos. 1-6). The approach used will depend on the needs, interests, abilities and situations of the group members. At this present time, groups that are able to meet are using video conferencing. Our suggested approaches take account of this and of face-to-face-meetings becoming possible again in the future.

Facilitators may, of course, use their own approach with the resources, or choose elements from these three suggested approaches to create a different approach. At the conclusion of the Session the Facilitator or another group member is encouraged to send on ‘what is too good for the group to keep to themselves’ to mgpfeedback@mercyinternational.ie

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