Good Reading: Incarnate God in Cosmos and in Person of Jesus
Guiding Group
Black Hole Nurtures Baby Stars a Million Light-Years Away

The incarnation: a cosmic mystery: Kathleen Coyle ssc

First published in Doctrine and Life (December 2002), a publication of the Irish Dominicans

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Embracing Evolution: Embracing Incarnation: Daniel O'Leary

Extract from an unpublished paper (2018)

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Expanding the Horizons of Incarnation: Daniel O'Leary

Published online 2018

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Christ Since the Beginning: Weekly Summary with links to daily entries: Richard Rohr ofm

Published by the Center for Action and Contemplation, 17-22 February 2019 

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Moving Onwards Forward: An Advent message from Ilia Delio (7:05)

Published by the Omega Center, 6 December 2018

Implications for Religious Life

Seeing Christianity as a Religion of Evolution & The Implications for Religious Life: An Interview with Ilia Delio OSF

Published in LCWR Occasional Papers, Summer 2012

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Image: from Clare Augustine Moore’s illuminated version of the Rule and Constitutions of the Religious Sisters of Mercy.  It comes from Chapter V ‘Of the Vow of Poverty’. 
© 1994 Mercy International Association

Animal Nativity: Les Murray

The Iliad of peace began
when this girl agreed.
Now goats in trees, fish in the valley
suddenly feel vivid.

Swallows flit in the stable as if
a hatching of their kind,
turned human, cried in the manger
showing the hunger-diamond.

Cattle are content that this calf
must come in human form.
Spiders discern a water-walker.
Even humans will sense the lamb,

He who frees from the old poem
turtle-dove and snake,
who gets death forgiven
who puts the apple back.

Dogs, less enslaved but as starving
as the poorest human there,
crouch, agog at a crux of presence
remembered as a star.


Mary of Nazareth - The Incarnation and the Cosmic Christ: Maria Azzarello CND

First published on Canadian Religious Conference, June 2018

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Cosmic Christ

The Universal Christ: Richard Rohr ofm

Published 29 April 2019

Cosmic Christ by Annett Hanrahan rscj
Used with permission

“I live in the South Pacific, in New Zealand, which is a multi-cultural country, including Maori, Polynesian, Pakeha, and peoples from all parts of Asia. I could not find any images that spoke to me or to any of us of a powerful, loving God, with an all-embracing, all-forgiving love that we as human beings can open to and understand in our very humanness. I wanted to probe the incarnational reality of God in Christ and in all of creation in a language that might have some meaning in my world.

So, Christ is seated in a posture similar to the prayer posture of many in the east, and of the Polynesian peoples of the Pacific. His features have a Polynesian quality. He is holding his cross, which is transparent, for it is part of, and dialogues with, the earth, but Christ has moved beyond it. Christ’s eyes are closed as he is one with His Father, and in that deep communication, he is a powerful and strong channel, river even, of the flow of the love of God to slake our thirst. It has become a very meaningful image of Christ for the students at Baradene, the Sacred Heart School in Auckland, who see in it a strong ecological meaning for our time and call it our Cosmic Christ.”

Cosmic Connections of the Heart 1: Daniel O'Leary

Published online 2019

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Cosmic Connections of the Heart 2: Daniel O'Leary

Published online 2019

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Interview with Ilia Delio at the Love at the Heart of the Cosmos Conference

Published by the Omega Center, 6 December 2019

We invite your contributions of something you have read or seen or heard elsewhere that really connects with this process, ‘that's too good to keep to yourself’.

Messages to: MGP Guiding Group

Te invitamos a que nos envíes tus contribuciones de algo que hayas leído, visto u oído en otro lugar que realmente esté relacionado con este proceso, `que sea demasiado bueno para que te lo guardes para ti mismo'.

Mensajes a: Grupo de guiado MGP