Facilitators' Guide: Incarnate God in Cosmos and in Person of Jesus
Guiding Group

The Facilitators Guide offers three of many possible approaches to using these resources and may be of interest to individuals as well as groups.

The role of the Facilitator will necessarily include organising the group’s access at the session to the resources on screen or in print.

A suggested structure for each Session is:

  1. Preparation of the Focus Space
  2. Prayer
  3. Introduction
  4. Content Explored
  5. Reflection and Discussion
  6. Closing

As this is the final theme in this Segment, groups will have already met for one or more sessions and so will have been introduced to the Focus (Global) and be familiar with the microsite.

Whichever presentation you, the Facilitator, or group first choose to engage with, commence your work with the theme using the Introduction by Elizabeth Davis rsm which highlights the richness of the material in last month's theme, introduces the expression 'Deep incarnation' and draws our attention to look anew at the Advent readings and Christmas stories. We are invited into the new thinking about incarnation that is emerging today 'in two interconnected ways: that cosmos itself is the Body of God and that, in the Incarnate One, God becomes Jesus sharing the life condition of the least in creation'.

Elizabeth Dowling rsm in her Theological Imaginings also extends us an invitation: to ‘go into the deep’ and expand our awareness of ‘deep incarnation’.

There are a number of accessible resources on incarnation in the Good reading section. Those needing further background might begin with the article by Kathleen Coyle ssc which considers the full cosmic significance of the incarnation and the sacramental character of creation.

The  two, often intersecting, theme areas of (i) displacement of Persons, and (ii) degradation of Earth that emerged from the Mercy International Reflection Process (MIRP) are addressed by Margaret Mary Alamban rsm, this month's Grassroots Minister as she shares her lived experience and the two stories of hope in ministering with the Children at Mother of Hope Center in Tacloban City Philippines while Angela Reed rsm presents the global perspective in her Mercy Global Action presentation

Once again we offer three of many possible approaches to using resources from the theme Incarnate God in Cosmos and in Person of Jesus implementing the suggested structure (nos. 1-6). The approach used will depend on the needs, interests and abilities of the group members. Facilitators may, of course, use their own approach with the resources, or choose elements from these three suggested approaches to create a different approach. At the conclusion of the Session the Facilitator or another group member is encouraged to send on ‘what is too good for the group to keep to themselves’ to mgpfeedback@mercyinternational.ie

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