Mercy Global Presence

What is Mercy Global Presence?

Mercy Global Presence is an organic entity and a countercultural sign in a globalised world which has made more extreme the displacement of persons and degradation of Earth. Mercy Global Presence links congregations/institutes, individual Sisters of Mercy and Associates, partners in Mercy, and Mercy International Association in creative and energising ways.

Mercy Global Presence

An invitation to Sisters of Mercy, all members of the Mercy Family and all who seek to be channels of God's mercy in our world in this time, to help create this reality

Mercy Global Presence: A New Video Overview of the Process

On 14 May, 2021, Elizabeth Davis rsm, Members' Representative on the Mercy Global Presence (MGP) Guiding Team, presented via zoom an overview of the MGP process to Board Directors and Mercy Leaders (Members). Berneice Loch rsm (CEO MIA) and Anne Walsh (MGP Communications), the other members of the MGP Guiding Team, were also present.

Elizabeth began her presentation by situating the Mercy Global Presence process. MGP grew out of a previous process – the Mercy International Reflection Process (2015-2016) which had its origins in a gathering of Mercy Researchers at a conference in Burlingame in November 2007.

The focus of Mercy Global Presence is on one of the outcomes from the previous process: 'finding new language, new images, new theology, new spirituality and new ministry in this new time'.

We invite you to watch the video and take the journey of exploration with us.

Outline & Summary of the Four Segments

Each of the four segments of Mercy Global Presence has been introduced on this page with an outline and summary of the themes to be explored over three months: Global (September to December 2019 ), Mercy (March to June 2020), Presence (September to December 2020) and Integrated (March to June 2021).

The outlines -linked below- capture the spirit of the journey we were invited to undertake, individually and together, over sixteen months from September 2019 to June 2021.

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Our Exploration of Mercy Global Presence

Commencing on 29 September 2019 and concluding on 30 June 2021, we have explored dimensions of Mercy Global Presence, beginning first with “global,” moving to “mercy,” then “presence” and finally, braiding all the threads together, to “integrated.”

Literary métissage (Spanish mestizaje) generates new knowledge through writing and braiding texts and other art forms. It embraces distinct voices, uses different genres, and reclaims many wisdoms. Ecological métissage adapts the same blending of diversity with ecological worldviews (Indigenous, scientific, and religious). Métissage invites the reader or the listener to pursue many paths through the texts, art forms and worldviews...

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Segment Four: Integration

Segment Four: Integration

March 2021-June 2021
1 of 4

Through the first three segments of Mercy Global Presence, we have been engaged in an intense and artful experience of métissage or mestizaje, of braiding voices and genres and wisdoms focused on “global,” “mercy,” and “presence.” We now move to our fourth segment in which the integration of the three segments unfolds. With attention to contemplative seeing, a compassionate heart, mercying, and the creating of circles and a culture of mercy, we weave difference and diversity into a new fabric of mercy to help clothe a transformed world and church come to re-birth.


Contemplative Seeing

Contemplative Seeing

Mar 2021

Compassionate Heart

Compassionate Heart

Apr 2021



May 2021

Creating Circles & Culture of Mercy

Creating Circles & Culture of Mercy

Jun 2021

Segment 3: Presence

Segment 3: Presence

September 2020-December 2020
2 of 4

Having now explored the context for Mercy Global Presence as “global” and its spirit as “mercy,” in this third segment, we centre our attention to presence – presence to, with and of God; presence of and to Earth; presence in ministry and in community; and presence to oneself and others. Once again, myriad voices will call us into new thinking and new dreaming and new hope. They will dare us to open our spirits and our hearts to the promise of moving outside our comfort zones to the fringes where the newness will be found. Let us dare to become boundary walkers with some amazing companions in mercy!


Presence Of, To and With God

Presence Of, To and With God

Sep 2020

Presence to Earth

Presence to Earth

Oct 2020

Presence in Community & Ministry

Presence in Community & Ministry

Nov 2020

Presence to Self & Others

Presence to Self & Others

Dec 2020

Segment 2: Mercy

Segment 2: Mercy

March 2020 - June 2020
3 of 4

Having explored the context for Mercy Global Presence as “global,” the second segment of this energizing journey focuses on “mercy” – God’s mercy, Earth’s mercy and our mercy. Seen through many diverse lenses, mercy will come alive: the richness of mercy in all major faith traditions, the passionate plea for mercy in the degradation of Earth, the desperate need for mercy in the displacement of persons, and the wondrous ways of mercy visible in our time.


Faith Traditions and Mercy

Faith Traditions and Mercy

Mar 2020

Mercy and Degradation of Earth

Mercy and Degradation of Earth

Apr 2020

Mercy and Displacement of Persons

Mercy and Displacement of Persons

May 2020

New Foundations in Mercy

New Foundations in Mercy

Jun 2020

Segment 1: Global

Segment 1: Global

September 2019 - December 2019
4 of 4

The initial exploration of Mercy Global Presence centres on “Global,” the context in which all mercying happens. Through the wisdom of many voices, new meanings of “global” will unfold over four months: cosmology as the communion of all God’s creation, integral ecology as relationships among all Earth ecosystems, people and today’s deep social change, and the living God incarnate in Cosmos and in the person of Jesus the Christ.


1. Cosmos/Cosmology

1. Cosmos/Cosmology

Sep 2019

2. Earth and Integral Ecology

2. Earth and Integral Ecology

Oct 2019

3. People and Deep 
Social Change

3. People and Deep 
Social Change

Nov 2019

4. Incarnate God in Cosmos 
and in Person of Jesus

4. Incarnate God in Cosmos 
and in Person of Jesus

Dec 2019

Segment Four: Integration

Segment Four: Integration

March 2021-June 2021
1 of 4

Through the first three segments of Mercy Global Presence, we have been engaged in an intense and artful experience of métissage or mestizaje, of braiding voices and genres and wisdoms focused on “global,” “mercy,” and “presence.” We now move to our fourth segment in which the integration of the three segments unfolds. With attention to contemplative seeing, a compassionate heart, mercying, and the creating of circles and a culture of mercy, we weave difference and diversity into a new fabric of mercy to help clothe a transformed world and church come to re-birth.


Contemplative Seeing

Contemplative Seeing

Mar 2021

Compassionate Heart

Compassionate Heart

Apr 2021



May 2021

Creating Circles & Culture of Mercy

Creating Circles & Culture of Mercy

Jun 2021

Segment 3: Presence

Segment 3: Presence

September 2020-December 2020
2 of 4

Having now explored the context for Mercy Global Presence as “global” and its spirit as “mercy,” in this third segment, we centre our attention to presence – presence to, with and of God; presence of and to Earth; presence in ministry and in community; and presence to oneself and others. Once again, myriad voices will call us into new thinking and new dreaming and new hope. They will dare us to open our spirits and our hearts to the promise of moving outside our comfort zones to the fringes where the newness will be found. Let us dare to become boundary walkers with some amazing companions in mercy!


Presence Of, To and With God

Presence Of, To and With God

Sep 2020

Presence to Earth

Presence to Earth

Oct 2020

Presence in Community & Ministry

Presence in Community & Ministry

Nov 2020

Presence to Self & Others

Presence to Self & Others

Dec 2020

Segment 2: Mercy

Segment 2: Mercy

March 2020 - June 2020
3 of 4

Having explored the context for Mercy Global Presence as “global,” the second segment of this energizing journey focuses on “mercy” – God’s mercy, Earth’s mercy and our mercy. Seen through many diverse lenses, mercy will come alive: the richness of mercy in all major faith traditions, the passionate plea for mercy in the degradation of Earth, the desperate need for mercy in the displacement of persons, and the wondrous ways of mercy visible in our time.


Faith Traditions and Mercy

Faith Traditions and Mercy

Mar 2020

Mercy and Degradation of Earth

Mercy and Degradation of Earth

Apr 2020

Mercy and Displacement of Persons

Mercy and Displacement of Persons

May 2020

New Foundations in Mercy

New Foundations in Mercy

Jun 2020

Segment 1: Global

Segment 1: Global

September 2019 - December 2019
4 of 4

The initial exploration of Mercy Global Presence centres on “Global,” the context in which all mercying happens. Through the wisdom of many voices, new meanings of “global” will unfold over four months: cosmology as the communion of all God’s creation, integral ecology as relationships among all Earth ecosystems, people and today’s deep social change, and the living God incarnate in Cosmos and in the person of Jesus the Christ.


1. Cosmos/Cosmology

1. Cosmos/Cosmology

Sep 2019

2. Earth and Integral Ecology

2. Earth and Integral Ecology

Oct 2019

3. People and Deep 
Social Change

3. People and Deep 
Social Change

Nov 2019

4. Incarnate God in Cosmos 
and in Person of Jesus

4. Incarnate God in Cosmos 
and in Person of Jesus

Dec 2019

Key Documents

MGP Regional Gatherings Pentecost Week 2021

A Living Cosmic Advent Wreath Embraced in Mercy

Global Contemplation on the Integrating Posters Segment Two

MGP: Gift In This troubling Time Of COVID-19

Timeline of Segments & Themes

Mercy Global Presence Emerging

The Logo: from MIRP to Mercy Global Presence

MGP Coordinators and Guiding Group Members Championing the Process

Anne Walsh
Anne Walsh

Guiding Group

Email Anne
Marian Ladrera rsm
Marian Ladrera rsm

RSM Phillipines

Email Marian
Judith Moroney rsm
Judith Moroney rsm

Sisters of Mercy New Zealand

Email Judith
Elizabeth Davis rsm
Elizabeth Davis rsm

Guiding Group

Email Elizabeth
Elizabeth Marrie rsm
Elizabeth Marrie rsm

Newfoundland Congregation

Email Elizabeth
Carmel McDonough rsm
Carmel McDonough rsm

North Sydney Congregation

Email Carmel
Patricia McMahon rsm
Patricia McMahon rsm

GB Union

Email Patricia
Sandra Lupi rsm
Sandra Lupi rsm

Brisbane Congregation

Email Sandra
Josephine Davies rsm
Josephine Davies rsm

GB Institute

Email Josephine
Valda Dickinson rsm
Valda Dickinson rsm

Parramatta Congregation

Email Valda
Paula Anamani rsm
Paula Anamani rsm

Sisters of Mercy New Zealand

Email Paula
Adele Howard rsm
Adele Howard rsm


Email Adele
Berneice Loch rsm
Berneice Loch rsm

Guiding Group

Email Berneice
Diane Smyth rsm
Diane Smyth rsm

Newfoundland Congregation

Email Diane
Sheila Curran rsm
Sheila Curran rsm

The Congregation

Email Sheila
Marianne Comfort
Marianne Comfort

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas

Email Marianne
Mary Reynolds rsm
Mary Reynolds rsm

Guiding Group

Email Mary

The Future Beckoning

‘Now is the time to take the next steps on this mercy-filled, joy-filled journey in Mercy.’

MGP Overview

A sixteen month exploration over two years of Mercy Global Presence unfolding. <br>
Four Segments of four months each: Global-Mercy-Presence-Integrated, each month with a related theme.
A sixteen month exploration over two years of Mercy Global Presence unfolding.
Four Segments of four months each: Global-Mercy-Presence-Integrated, each month with a related theme.
Moving to shape the new words, new language, new spirituality and new theology to describe or even recognise Mercy Global Presence in our midst
Moving to shape the new words, new language, new spirituality and new theology to describe or even recognise Mercy Global Presence in our midst
The New MIA Vision is centred on Mercy Global Presence.<br>

Embrace the new Vision.
The New MIA Vision is centred on Mercy Global Presence.
Embrace the new Vision.
The engagement takes many forms: designated responders, comments or blogs, gathering in small groups for reflection, and informal reporting of gatherings & learnings to Mercy International Association.
The engagement takes many forms: designated responders, comments or blogs, gathering in small groups for reflection, and informal reporting of gatherings & learnings to Mercy International Association.