International Good Cup of Tea - The Event

The International Good Cup of Tea Event was first held when people across the Mercy world were invited to support Mercy International Association on Friday 11/11/11. The aim was to celebrate the life and legacy of Catherine McAuley and to raise funds for the ongoing work of Mercy International Association. Now the event is held between 24 September (Mercy Day) and 12 December (Foundation Day) in communities, homes, schools, hospitals and ministry workplaces. Anyone can host a Good Cup of Tea event. Whether you raise €10, €100 or €1000, you will be part of a worldwide event that really does make a difference.

What is the 2021 Mercy Good Cup of Tea Event for?

Funds raised at the year's Good Cup of Tea events will contribute to the Heritage Room upgrade. The intention is to redesign the room with the use of fixed panels to extend the display area available and enable more of the early story of Mercy to be told through the displays. The panels are to include a number of touch screens, allowing some of the heritage resources from the different Mercy Congregations worldwide to be show-cased.

Find out more

How to organise your Good Cup of Tea Event

Decide on a Date: The original date for the event is 11th November but you can choose a date that suits you in the Season of Mercy from Mercy Day (24 September) to Foundation Day (12 December).

Plan for a get together such as a community evening, a gathering with friends, a parish or workplace event.

Why not use the occasion to have some special Mercy input such as a talk on Catherine, information about Mercy in the world today or a Mercy inspired prayer.

Remember there are many suitable resources available on

If you wish, enhance the get together with entertainment – music, singing, fancydress, etc.

Publicise the event, issue invitations, ask for donations.

How to make a donation

You can make a bank payment to:

Bank of Ireland
Lower Baggot Street
Co Dublin

Sort code: 90-14-90

Account Name: Mercy International Association
Account number: 63299644
IBAN: IE18 BOFI 9014 9063 2996 44

You can send donations directly by cheque or bank draft to:
Mercy International Centre,
64a Lower Baggot St.,
Dublin 2, Ireland
DO2 EH21

Remember to always name your donation as 'International Good Cup of Tea' event.

For further information or enquiries contact