
Mercy at a Glance

The Sisters of Mercy went to Lebanon in October 1995. They work mainly in Sacramental preparation in schools and parishes. One Sister is currently involved in the education of school children at a school with 1,200 students from pre-school to Grade 12. In addition, the Sisters work with the United Nations – UNIC, UNRWA, UNIFIL, UNESCO, ESCWA – on global and local issues, as well as working with refugees, supporting children with disabilities and providing pastoral support for women.

St. Luke’s Home for Street Children in Kehah provides a sense of home for approximately 90 children (aged 3 – 13 years) from Beirut, who lived on the city streets. All of the children come with heart-breaking stories of abuse, oppression, and exploitation that have left deep scars on their bodies and their psyches.

Sisters of Mercy in Lebanon also reach out and support Philippine women and girls who came to Lebanon to work as domestics and subsequently were abused and exploited by their employers. Sisters of Mercy provide counselling and emotional support for some of these women and girls, and help them purchase material to design and make goods to sell in order for them to earn their fare home and continue to support their families in the Philippines.