Religious Sisters of Mercy (Philippines)

Religious Sisters of Mercy (Philippines)
We commit ourselves as a community to Christ and the Gospel values in solidarity with the poor and the thrust of the local church, mediating the merciful Christ to the people through the education apostolate, apostolate to the sick, social apostolate, and parish involvement.

About Us

The Religious Sisters of Mercy (Philippines) were founded in 1954 when six Irish women responded to the invitation of Bishop Lino Gonzaga to establish a foundation at Tacloban City. In 1981, the Sisters of Mercy in the Philippines were granted autonomy by the Vatican Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes, Today the Religious Sisters number 45 members.

Country and Culture

The Philippines has a tropical climate, rich agricultural lands and enviable fishing grounds, rich and varied natural resources with unparalleled marine life, herbal plants, and small mammals found only in the Philippines. The nationality of the people is Filipino, and the official languages are Philipino and English. At present the total population of the Philippines is around 100 million, equivalent to 1.38% of the total world population. The form of government is Democratic Republic and the Head of State is the President. The country is divided into 16 regions, namely, Region 1 to 13 and NCR, CSR and ARMN. The NCR is composed of the region around the city of Manila, the CAR is composed of the autonomous region of the indigenous tribal people of Cordillera Mountains, and the ARMN is composed of the region in Mindanao, in the autonomous Muslim area.