Sisters of Mercy of the Union of Great Britain

Sisters of Mercy of the Union of Great Britain
The story of the Sisters of Mercy in this island is the story of a people on the move, of a group “gathering together unto Him,” of a people animated by and sharing a common vision … the drawing together of all to union with, in and through Christ.

About Us

The tradition of flexibility and adaptability led, as early as 1922, to the forming of an amalgamation within the Diocese of Westminster. Between 1938 and 1958 another eight groups joined the amalgamation. In 1932 an amalgamation was formed in Birmingham with a further group of six communities joining. The Sisters of Mercy of the Diocese of Westminster and Birmingham amalgamated In 1976 under the title of SISTERS OF MERCY OF THE UNION. The purpose of the amalgamation was a desire to be more in tune with the mind of the Church, to have a more effective pooling of resources and “a better mobilisation of our combined spiritual resources for the apostolic renewal of Religious Life.” There are Sisters living and ministering in 56 locations with outreach to many other areas. Mercy knows no bounds

Mission Statement

“We, the Sisters of Mercy of the Union, in the spirit of Catherine McAuley, commit ourselves to be mercy to all, with a preferential option for the poor. We embrace the challenge of new ministries and will explore creative ways of sharing our life with others, for the sake of the kingdom.”