Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation

Sisters of Mercy Brisbane Congregation
Our gift as Sisters of Mercy is to know God’s loving kindness and to share it with others. Our name reminds us that God can be mercy for others through us only when we open ourselves to receive God’s mercy. Because of our own frailty, we can have confidence since God’s realm belongs to those who are poor. [Lk 6:20] In Christ Jesus we see our humanness and God’s compassion united. Mary is the one who experienced most deeply the meaning of God’s mercy. [1.0]

About Us

The Brisbane Sisters of Mercy is a group of Catholic women religious. As followers of Jesus, we understand our mission as participating in God's mission of mercy.

Our inspiration is drawn from Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy in Ireland in 1831. Catherine recognised and responded to the needs of those who were marginalised and oppressed by the unjust social attitudes and practices of the day.

Our Mission & Vision

We are compelled by God's spirit and our tradition to work, both individually and corporately, to bring about a more just and compassionate world.

Together with our partners in ministry, we work to realise the vision of Catherine McAuley and Ellen Whitty in our time and place. We endeavour to develop collaborative relationships and processes so as to continue the Mercy tradition of service in sustainable ways.