Sisters of Mercy New Zealand

Sisters of Mercy New Zealand
Sisters of Mercy were the first religious sisters to come to Aotearoa New Zealand, arriving in Auckland from Ireland in 1850. From 1850 to 1897 four Mercy Congregations were founded in Aotearoa New Zealand.

About Us

On 12 December 2005 the four congregations became a single Congregation – Nga Whaea Atawhai o Aotearoa Sisters of Mercy New Zealand.

Today around 200 sisters are engaged in mission in Aotearoa New Zealand, Tonga and Samoa. Sisters are also missioned to Chile and Australia.

Te Whakaminenga Chapter 2014

Te Whakaminenga Chapter 2014 calls us to
whakawhanaungatanga make right relationship happen.
In our South Pacific context Mercy comes to life
in unfolding spirals of reflection and action.
The weaving expresses the value of manaakitanga hospitality
common to the cultures of Aotearoa, Tonga and Samoa
and all is held in the colours of the ocean
that surrounds and connects our island nations.