M Celeste Rouleau
July 27

We have to make decisions Catherine never faced but for which she has empowered us.

M Celeste Rouleau

July 26

Our ministry is God’s word in action.

Marcia Wilson

July 25

She always remembered that if there were ten thousand rules to be observed, the greatest of these is charity.

Mary Austin Carroll

July 24

We rest at ease in the arms of a kind providence.

M Paula Ennis

July 23

Catherine has been drawing her far-flung Mercy family home – home to the original source of inspiration and home to one another.

Mary Trainer

July 22

Ministers of suffering are delightfully different people…with a vision of Heaven in their hearts and in their eyes.

M Florence Sullivan

July 21

Catherine stands there, midway between vulnerability and possibility.

Jan Geason

July 20

All goes well when you can work together in harmony.

M Patricia O’Neill

July 19

Speak as your mind directs and always act with more courage when the "mammon of unrighteousness" is in question.

Catherine McAuley

July 18

She thought the world would be a happy place if people’s manners were as good as their hearts.

Mary Austin Carroll

July 17

To be truly merciful, we must sometimes become defenceless, powerless, like the poor we serve.

M Carmel Bourke

July 16

To instruct is an easy matter, but to educate requires ingenuity, energy and perseverance without end.

M Frances Warde

July 15

Catherine’s acute awareness of contemporary needs made her a catalyst in an uncaring society.

Angela Bolster

July 14

The circle of mercy is timeless, it is Spirit of Life itself.

Jeannette Goglia

July 13

Try to meet all with peace and ease.

Catherine McAuley

July 12

The constant interchange of prayer and service nourish one another.

Mary Daly

July 11

Without passion nothing happens. Without compassion, the wrong things happen.

Jan Eliason